People Design started several training initiative in partnership with leading companies in mechanical/mechatronic sector. A project which aimed to put people at the center of technology innovation in industrial fil which represent a huge opportunity to understand, learn and apply new tools and innovative technologies in the sector.
Its counsists of concrete training and development initiative which iam to grow professional skills allowing our partner to develop the engineering culture.
On 21st May 2019, a selection of our designers, will be involved in an interesting training event at B&R – a company of the ABB group, with strong innovative soul which develops products and technologies meant for becoming a reference point in industrial automation sector. The session will have as subgect : “ evolution of intelligent transport systems – ACOPOStrak and Supertrak platforms.
The B&R training process includes 3 steps:
- Introduction of product portfolio and innovative mechatronic solution/ opportunity for several employees
- The aim is to see first hand products
- Solutions/pratical demostration session during which they could verify and actually experiment programming activities of Motion and Robotics latest products.
A concrete steps towards the discovery of innovation in which the employee is a the center of the activities: trained people who makes PD an expertise incubator.